Welcome to the agricultural homepage. Here, we will have information on several programs you might find beneficial to your operation. For questions on any of the information seen below, please contact Aaron Jackson at 910-892-8071 x 2152 or abjackson@sremc.com
EnSave Energy Audits
Are you a farmer that might benefit from an energy audit? Check out this flyer for more information.
Member-Owned Generation (MOG)
Make Your Back-up Generator Work for You
If your farm or business has a stationary generator onsite, capable of carrying the entire load of your service, you may qualify for the South River EMC Member-Owned Generation Program. Participants allow South River EMC to start their generator remotely during times when there is a need to reduce the amount of load on the grid. Members participating in the program operate on generator power during these high-load events, lessening the stress on the grid. You will receive a monthly credit all year long for your participation as well as a fuel credit when generators are called to run. This program is not open to residential members but it’s ideal for poultry and swine farms. There are over 120 farms and businesses participating in this program today.
For details, please view this sheet.
Time-of-Use Rate
Use Energy Off Peak And Reap the Savings
South River EMC's time-of-use rate (TOU) is perfect for irrigation pumps and pivots. This rate entices you to use energy during the time of the day when demand on the grid is low by charging a much lower kilowatt hour rate during that time. Likewise, the Cooperative discourages the use of equipment during the high demand time of the day, or on-peak time, by sharply increasing the electricity cost during that period. The great thing is that the on-peak time is only four hours per day, Monday-Friday. This means that if you can refrain from irrigating for just four hours per day during the work week, you stand to see huge power cost reductions.
Seasonal Billing
Pay Only When You Use the Service
Seasonal billing is available for agricultural accounts where 75 percent of the annual use takes place in any four-consecutive-month period. The member has the option to choose four months in which to be billed for their annual Grid Access charges and the bulk of their energy and demand. Members will be billed only if any energy and demand charges are incurred in the non-peak months. Members who are interested in converting to the seasonal billing options, must enroll between October 1 and November 30 in order to participate for the following year.
Budget Billing
Budget for your Electricity Costs
It's hard to plan for wide swings in energy use and cost. South River EMC’s Average Billing option can eliminate the extreme highs and lows in electricity cost that result from weather or flock rotation, allowing you to more accurately budget. The program uses a rolling average of the current month and last 12 months electric usage to determine the bill amount. This program is not for those on seasonal billing on with an on-demand rate.
Sales-Tax Exemption
If your agricultural business has qualified for an Ag Production Number through the NC Department of Revenue, electricity used for farming purposes is eligible to be tax exempt. Contact South River EMC to take advantage of this benefit.