South River EMC is proud to provide a means for customers to help the community where they live – and it proves that small change changes lives. Below are some of the organizations and schools that have received funding in the past 12 months.
If you would like to know more about Operation Round Up, please contact the Cooperative, or view some of our current grants and information on applying for an Operation Round Up grant on this page.
Where Does the Money Go?
A few of these grant recipients have been featured in issues of Carolina Country.
Non-Profit Agencies
December 2024
- Disabled American Veteran's Chapter 74- $5,000
- Life Line of Sampson County, Inc.- $5,000
- Wade Community Fire Department- $3,500
- Janice Faye's Ranch Inc.- $3,500
- Sampson County Partnership for Children- $5,000
September 2024
- Groundswell Pictures- $5,000
- Better Health of Cumberland County, Inc.- $5,000
- Dunn United Ministerial Association- $5,000
- Spivey's Corner Volunteer Fire & Rescue- $5,000
- Vann Crossroads Fire Department- $4,800
- South Wake Conservationists, NC Wildlife Federation- $2,500
- Bethany Rural Fire Department- $4,900
June 2024
- Buddy Back Pack Program for Harnett County, Inc.- $5,000.00
- Beaver Dam Volunteer Fire Department-$5,732.00
- Sampson County 4H- $2,677.00
- Transitions Life Care, Founded as Hospice of Wake County Inc.- $10,000.00
- Salem Methodist Afterschool Hours "SMASH"- $5,000.00
- Triangle South Literacy Works- $5,000.00
- Plain View Community Center-$5,000.00
- Boone Trail Emergency Services- $5,000.00
- Eastover Volunteer Fire Department Inc.- $5,100.00
March 2024
- Dunn Emergency Services- $5,000
- ECHO (Erwin Churches Helping Others)- $5,000
- Clement Volunteer Fire Dept.- $5,730
- Westarea Volunteer Fire Dept.- $4,505
- Mingo Masonic Lodge- $1,100
- Five N Two Food Pantry-$5,000
December 2023
- Sampson County Partnership for Children- $9,362
- Falcon Children's Home & Family Services- $4,760
- Disabled American Veterans - Ch 74- $5,000
- Janice Faye's Ranch, Inc.-$3,055
- Cotton Volunteer Fire Department- $3,800
- Johnston County Arts Council- $3,000
- Fayetteville Area Operation Inasmuch- $5,000
- Salvation Army Cumberland County- $5,000
- Second Harvest Food Bank- $5,000
- Salvation Army of Goldsboro- $5,000
September 2023
- GroundSwell Pictures- $5,000
- Beaver Dam Volunteer Fire Department- $6,072
- Cumberland County Fire Marshal’s Office- $4,912
- Transitions LifeCare- $10,000
- Wade Community Fire Department Inc.- $5,800
- Vann Crossroads Volunteer Fire Department Inc.- $3,300
- Lillington United Methodist Church Community Garden Project- $4,900
- Bethany Rural Fire Department- $4,433
- Suttontown EMS Inc.- $3,836
- Harnett County Chiefs Association, $6,200
- Flat Branch Volunteer Fire Department, $5,000
June 2023
- Spivey's Corner Volunteer Fire Department- $3,617
- Halls Fire & Rescue-$5,000
- Eastover Volunteer Fire Department Inc.- $5,000
- Gray's Creek Volunteer Fire Department Station 24- $5,000
- Simply Girls- $5,000
- Triangle Literacy Works- $5,000
- Salem Preschool and Childcare-$5,000
- Sampson County Emergency Services-$5,000
- Salemburg Volunteer Fire Department- $5,000
- Dunn Area Ministerial Association- $5,000
- Boone Trail Emergency Services- $5,000
March 2023
- Mingo Masonic Lodge- $1,079
- Five N Two Food Pantry- $5,000
- The Fun Clothes Inc.- $5,000
- Westarea Volunteer Fire Department- $4,100
- Plain View Community Center- $5,000
- Autryville Fire Department- $5,500
December 2022
- Disabled American Veterans Chapter 74- $5,000
- Fayetteville Area Operation Inasmuch- $5,000
- Sampson County Partnership for Children- $5,000
- Dunn Police Athletic & Activities League- $5,000
- Janice Faye's Ranch Inc.- $9,470
- Special Olympics NC- Cumberland, Harnett and Johnston counties- $5,000
- Johnston County Arts Council- $2,500
September 2022
- Lillington Fire Department/ Flatwoods Community Fire District- $5,000
- Cumberland County Fire Marshal's Office- $4,911
- Better Health of Cumberland County- $5,000
- Transtions LifeCare- $10,000
- First Tee- Sandhills- $3,352
- Clement Volunteer Fire Department- $6,250
- LUMC Community Garden Project- $2,560
- Gray's Creek Volunteer Fire Department, Station 18- $5,135
- Bethany Rural Fire Department & Emergency Response Inc.- $4,880
June 2022
- Roseboro Rescue & EMS Inc.- $6,255
- Eastover Fire Department- $6,495
- SMASH "Salem Methodist After School Hours"- $5,000
- Wade Community Fire Department Inc.- $5,900
- Boone Trail Emergency Services- $5,000
- Triangle South Literacy Works- $5,000
- Beaver Dam Fire Department- $6,731
March 2022
- Plain View Community Center- $5,000*
- Five And Two Food Pantry- $10,000*
- Spivey's Corner Volunteer Fire & Rescue- $4,800
- Gray's Creek Ruritan Club- $5,000
December 2021
- Disabled American Veterans, NC Chapter 74-$5,000
- Dunn Police Athletic and Activities League- $5,000
- South Wake Conservationists, Chapter of NCWF- $5,000
- Special Olympics North Carolina- $5,000
- Mingo Masonic Lodge- $1,265
- Stedman Volunteer Fire Department- $5,395
- Salemburg Volunteer Fire Department- $5,000
- Human Connections Fund- $10,000
September 2021
- Fayetteville Operation Inasmuch- $5,000
- Cumberland County Fire Marshal's Office- $4,989
- Better Health of Cumberland County- $5,000
- Transitions LifeCare- $5,000
- Gray's Creek Volunteer Fire Department Station 18- $5,000
- Dunn Emergency Services- $5,000
June 2021
- First Tee- Sandhills- $1,282
- Beaver Dam Volunteer Fire Dept.- $4,974.54
- Janice Faye's Ranch Inc.- $4,100
- Eastover Volunteer Fire Dept. Inc.- $6,500
- Salem Preschool and Childcare- $5,000
- Clement Fire Department- $5,761
- Bethany Rural Fire Dept. and Emergency Response Inc.- $5,000
- Beacon Rescue Mission- $5,000
- Flat Branch Volunteer Fire Department- $5,000
March 2021
- Five and Two Food Pantry- $3,752
- Boone Trail Emergency Services- $5,000
- Wade Community Fire Department Inc.- $6,034
- Plain View Community Center- $5,000
- Simply Girls inc.- $5,000
December 2020
- Special Olympics NC- Harnett, Cumberland, Sampson, Johnston and Bladen Counties- $5,000
- Dunn Police Athletic & Activities League- $5,000
- Disabled American Veterans- Chapter 74 Erwin- $5,000
- Armed Services YMCA Fort Bragg-$2,200
September 2020
- Transitions LifeCare - $5,000
- Fayetteville Operation Inasmuch- $5,000
- South Wake Conservationists Chapter, NC Wildlife Federation -- Harnett Donation Site- $2,500
- Godwin Falcon Volunteer Fire Dept.- $4,902
- Salemburg Volunteer Fire Dept. Inc.- $5,000
June 2020
- Averasboro Battlefield Commission Inc.- $5,000
- First Tee Chapter of the Sandhills Inc.- $1,000
- The CARE Clinic- $5,000
- Eastover Volunteer Fire Dept. Inc.- $5,000
- Action Pathways Inc. (Second Harvest Food Bank)- $4,975
- Gray's Creek Volunteer Fire Dept. Station 18- $5,000
March 2020
- Boone Trail Emergency Services- $2,725
- Sampson County Emergency Services- $3,756
- Roseboro Rescue and EMS Inc.- $4,131
- Tri-County Community Health Inc.- $1,960
- Stedman Volunteer Fire Dept.- $5,000
December 2019
- Dunn Police Athletic Activities League- $5,000
- Clement Volunteer Fire Department Inc.- $3,021
- Johnston County Arts Council- $2,500
- Beaver Dam Volunteer Fire Department- $5,772
- Disabled American Veterans Ch. 74- $5,000
- Suttontown EMS- $3,556
- Spring Lake Fire Department- $5,000
- Salem Methodist After-School (SMASH)- $5,000
- Bethany Rural Fire Department- $6,500
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Carolina- $5,000
- Mingo Masonic Lodge- $1,000
September 2019
- South Wake Conservationists (NCWF)- $1,500
- Transitions LifeCare- $5,000
- Gray's Creek Vol. Fire Dept. 24 Inc.- $5,500
- Wade Community Fire Dept.- $5,865
- Herring Volunteer Fire Dept.- $4,452
- Vann Crossroads Fire Dept.- $3,331
- Sampson County Sheriff's Office- $ 6,495
- Autryville Area Fire Department- $4,500
June 2019
- Godwin-Falcon Fire Department Inc.- $2,340
- Better Health of Cumberland County- $5,000
- Eastover Volunteer Fire Department- $5,512
- Champions Program- $5,000
- Averasboro Battlefield Commission- $5,000
- Piney Grove Volunteer Fire Dept. Inc.- $3,191
- Gray's Creek Volunteer FD, Station 18- $5,547
March 2019
December 2018
- Triangle South Literacy Works- $5,000
- Spring Lake Fire Rescue- $4,300
- Roseboro Rescue and EMS- $1,352
- Mingo Masonic Lodge- $900
- Disabled American Veterans Chapter 74- $5,000
- Johnston County Arts Council- $2,500
- Salem Preschool and Childcare- Salem UMC- $4,998
- Summerville- Bunnlevel Fire & Rescue, Inc.- $5,000
- Salemburg Volunteer Fire Department- $5,000
September 2018
- Sampson County Emergency Services- $4,962
- Autryville Area Fire Department- $5,164
- Beacon Rescue Mission- $5,000
June 2018
- Godwin-Falcon Fire Department, Inc- $3,122
- Suttontown EMS- $3,843
- Gray's Creek Volunteer Fire Dept 24- $5,424
- Transitions LifeCare- $5,000
- Wade Community Fire Dept.- $3,000
- Friends Fighting Cancer Inc.-$5,000
- Herring Volunteer Fire and Rescue- $1,500
- Clement Civic Center Inc.-$5,000
March 2018
- Vann Crossroads Fire Department- $3,614
- Eastover Volunteer Fire Department- $5,000
- Stedman Volunteer Fire Department- $5,361
- Dunn Emergency Services- $5,000
- Bethany Rural Fire Department- $5,000
December 2017
- Disabled American Veterans Chapter 74 Erwin- $5,000
- Triangle South Literacy Works, Inc.- $4,958
- Beaver Dam Volunteer Fire Department- $5,000
- The Salvation Army- $5,000
- Johnston County Arts Council- $2,500
- SAFE of Harnett County Inc. - $5,000
- Fayetteville Area Operation Inasmuch- $5,000
September 2017
- Clement Volunteer Fire Department- $3,028
- Habitat for Humanity of Harnett County Inc.- $5,000
- Cotton Volunteer Fire Department- $2,920
- Salemburg Volunteer Fire Department- $5,000
- Salem Methodist Afterschool Hours (SMASH)- $5,000
- Newton Grove Fire Rescue Inc.- $3,800
June 2017
- Gray's Creek Volunteer Fire Dept. Station 24- $5,000
- Piney Grove Volunteer Fire Dept., of Sampson County- $3,440
- Transitions Life Care- $5,000
- Godwin-Falcon Fire Dept.- $2,050
- Camp Tuscarora - Boy Scouts of America- $5,000
- Tri-County Community Health Council Inc.- $3,000
- Autryville Fire Dept.- $10,000
March 2017
- Herring Volunteer Fire & Rescue- $4,804
- Clement Civic Center, Inc.- $5,000*
- Bethany Rural Fire Department- $5,000
- Partnership for Children of Johnston County- $1,625
- Eastover Volunteer Fire Department- $5,000
December 2016
- Southeastern Carolina Crossroads Inc.- $5,000
- Beacon Rescue Mission- $5,000
- Suttontown EMS- $2,500
- Averasboro Battlefield Commission, Inc.- $5,000
- The Salvation Army- $5,000
September 2016
- Salem United Methodist Preschool & Childcare- $5,000
- Gray's Creek Volunteer Fire Dept. Station 18- $4,900
- Disabled American Veterans Chapter 74- $5,000
- Better Health of Cumberland County- $5,000
- Stedman Volunteer Fire Department- $4,875
- UCare, Inc.- $5,000
June 2016
- Gray's Creek Volunteer Fire Dept Station 24- $5,000.00
- Summerville Bunnlevel Fire & Rescue- $5,000.00
- Wade Community Fire Department- $5,000.00
- Plain View Community Center- $5,000.00*
- Salemburg Volunteer Fire Department- $4,322.80
- Autryville Fire Department Inc.- $5,000.00
March 2016
- Godwin- Falcon Fire Department- $5,000
- Clement Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.- $5,000
- Beaver Dam Volunteer Fire District- $5,000
- Vann's Crossroads Fire and Rescue- $3,800
- Four Oaks Volunteer Fire Department- $5,000
December 2015
- Lillington Fire Department/ Flatwoods FD- $5,000.00
- Roseboro Rescue & EMS Inc.- $5,000.00
- Harnett County Literacy, Inc.- $4,990.00
- Newton Grove Fire & Rescue- $5,000.00
- BSA Occoneechee Council, LaFayette Dist - $5000.00
September 2015
- Disabled American Veterans Chapter 74- $5,000.00
- Stedman Volunteer Fire Department- $4,832.70
- Clinton-Sampson Chamber of Commerce- $5,000.00
- Eastover Volunteer Fire Department- $5,000.00
- Averasboro Battlefield Commission Inc.- $5,000.00
- Hospice of Wake County, dba Transitions Life Care- $5,000.00
June 2015
- Cotton Volunteer Fire Department- $5,000.00
- American Heart Association- $5,000.00
- Piney Grove Volunteer Fire Department- $5,000.00
- "SMASH" of Salem United Methodist Church- $5,000.00
- Second Harvest Food Bank of Southeast NC- $5,000.00
- Flat Branch Volunteer Fire Department- $4,734.00
March 2015
- Better Health of Cumberland County, Inc.- $5,000.00
- Sampson County Partnership for Children- $5,000.00
- Plain View Fire Dept. Inc.- $4,503.63
- Gray's Creek Vol. Fire Department 24 Inc.- $4,600.00
- Autryville Area Fire Department- $4996.90
- Wade Community Fire Department- $5,000.00
- Godwin-Falcon Fire Department- $5,000.00
- Herring Volunteer Fire Department- $5,000.00
December 2014
- Clement Volunteer Fire Dept, Inc.- $5,000.00
- Beacon Rescue Mission- $5,000.00
- Salemburg Volunteer Fire Dept.- $4,500.00
- Boy Scouts of America, Occoneechee Council- $5,000.00
- Summerville Bunnlevel Fire & Rescue- $5,000.00
- Coats Museum- $4,310.77
September 2014
- Fayetteville Shrine Club- $5,000
- Newton Grove Fire & Rescue- $5,560.86
- Roseboro Rescue and EMS Inc.- $3,536
- American Red Cross- Highlands Chapter- $5,000
- Clinton-Sampson Chamber of Commerce- $2,500
- Just A Mere Garden Club- $972.82
- American Red Cross- Triangle Chapter- $1,000
- Averasboro Battlefield Commission Inc.- $$6,659
- Child Advocacy Center Inc.- $5,000
- Harnett County Partnership For Children- $2,993
June 2014
- Godwin Lions Club- $ 1,800
- Sampson County History Museum- $5,000
- Sampson County History Museum- $5,000
- Godwin-Falcon Fire Department- $3,200
- Tuscarora Council, Boy Scouts of America- $5,000
- SAFE of Harnett County Inc.- $5,000
- The CARE Clinic Inc.- $5,000
March 2014
- Autryville Area Fire Dept.- $4,169
- Cotton Volunteer Fire Dept.- $5,000
- Beaver Dam Volunteer Fire Dept.- $5,000
- Vann Crossroads Fire and Rescue- $5,000
- Eastover Fire Department- $5,000
- Better Health of Cumberland County, Inc.- $5,000
- Salem United Methodist Preschool and Childcare- $5,000.00
December 2024
- CCCC Foundation Inc.- $7,500
- Hobbton Middle School- $10,000
- New Life Uplifted School, Inc.- $10,00
September 2024
- Bright Ideas Grant Program- $10,000
- Cumberland County Fire Chiefs Association- $9,030
- Stedman Primary- $3,216
March 2024
- Hargrove Elementary- $9,925
- Buies Creek Elementary- $8,504
December 2023
- Dunn Police Athletic and Activities League- $10,000
- Lakewood High School- $8,960
- Midway Middle School- $10,000
- Midway High School- $10,000
September 2023
- Stedman Primary- $4,061
- South River EMC's Bright Ideas grant program- $10,000
June 2023
- Overhills High School FBLA-$2,500
March 2023
- Hobbton High School- $7,500
- Hargrove Elementary- $7,823
- New Life Uplifted School- $5,150
December 2022
- Midway Elementary School-$2,500
- Plain View Elementary School- $10,000
- Clement Elementary School- $2,500
- Midway High School- $9,924
September 2022
- Stedman Primary School- $4,708
- South River EMC Bright Ideas Grant Program- $10,000
- Roseboro Salemburg Middle- $10,065
June 2022
- Harnett Central Middle School- $1,800
- Midway Middle School- $8,140
March 2022
- Hargrove Elementary- $7,674
- Hobbton High School- $10,000
December 2021
- Western Harnett Middle School- $8,024
September 2021
- Stedman Primary School- $3,400
- South River EMC's Bright Ideas Grant Program- $10,000
June 2021
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Carolina- $10,000
March 2021
- Angier Elementary- $800
- Hargrove Elementary- $10,000
December 2020
- Western Harnett Middle- $3,000
September 2020
- Stedman Primary- $8,036
- South Harnett Primary- $1,800
- Plain View Elementary- $10,000
- South River EMC Bright Ideas Program- $10,000
June 2020
- Roseboro-Salemburg Middle- $10,000
- Central Carolina Community College Foundation- $10,000
- Overhills Middle School- $2,500
March 2020
- Hargrove Elementary- $10,000
December 2019
- Hobbton Middle School- $10,000
September 2019
- Stedman Primary- $4,980
- South River EMC Bright Ideas Program- $10,000
- Plain View Elementary- $10,000
- South View High School- $3,436
June 2019
- Sampson Early College High School- $5,625
- Hobbton High School Band Program- $14,000
- College Lakes Elementary- $5,000
- Roseboro-Salemburg Middle School- $10,000
- Cape Fear High School- $3,147
March 2019
- Hargrove Elementary- $7,648
- Clement Elementary- $10,000
December 2018
- Sampson County Schools- $9,000
- Stedman Elementary- $4,640
- Lillington-Shawtown Elementary- $5,585
September 2018
- Plain View Elementary- $10,000
- Stedman Primary- $4,802
- Bright Ideas Grant Program- $10,000
June 2018
- Hobbton Elementary School- $5,000
- Mac Williams Middle School- $6,475
- Hobbton High School- $5,000
- Midway Elementary School- $10,000
- Sampson Early College High School- $3,400
March 2018
- Hargrove Elementary- $3,139
- Hobbton Middle School- $10,000
- Cape Fear High School- $3,322
December 2017
- Roseboro-Salemburg Middle School- $9,914
- Midway High School- $9,818
September 2017
- South River EMC Bright Ideas Program- $10,000
- Sampson County Schools Friends of Education- $9,000
- Stedman Primary School- $4,220
- Plain View Elementary- $7,779
June 2017
- Midway Middle School- $3,105
March 2017
- Hargrove Elementary- $3,898
- Sampson Community College- $5,000
- Central Carolina Community College Foundation, Inc.- $4,500
- Mac Williams Middle School- $9,969
- Anderson Creek Primary- $5,000
- Sampson Community College Early High School- $5,000
December 2016
- Wayne Avenue Elementary- $5,000
- Lillington Shawtown Elementary- $5,000
- Harnett Primary School- $835
- Clement Elementary School- $6,413
September 2016
- Bright Ideas Grant Program- $10,000
- Plain View Elementary- $5,000
- Hobbton High- $5,000
June 2016
- Roseboro Salemburg Middle School- $5,000.00
March 2016
- Hargrove Elementary School- $5,000
- Midway Elementary School- $6,000
- Hobbton Middle School Band Program- $10,000
December 2015
- Plain View Elementary- $5,000.00
- Midway High School- $5,000.00
- Armstrong Elementary- $6,088.00
- Hobbton High School- $6,338.61
September 2015
- Bright Ideas- $15,000.00
- Hobbton Elementary School- $10,000.00
June 2015
- Cape Fear High School- $ 7,268.16
- Roseboro Salemburg Middle School- $9,600.00
- Mac Williams Middle School- $9,600.00
March 2015
- Hargrove Elementary- $6,080.09
- Butler Avenue Elementary- $9,719.88
- Hobbton District Band- $10,000.00
September 2014
- Armstrong Elementary- $9,600
- Bright Ideas Program- $15,000
- Glendale Acres Elementary- $3,281
June 2014
- Cape Fear High- $9,243
March 2014
- Mac Williams Middle- $6523.13
- Hargrove Elementary- $7,773.52