Take Action!
South River EMC has a series of programs designed to reward members for reducing their energy use or for installing solar water heating. Check our array of energy-efficiency programs to see if you qualify for one or more of our rebates or to take advantage of our great programs. Check out our rebates below. Click here to visit the energy advisor.
Electric Vehicles
With electric vehicles (EVs) rapidly becoming more widely available, we have some EV information you might want to take a look at before you start shopping. Finding out what you have and what you need is the first part of making a decision on an electric vehicle.
Energy Saving Calculators
South River EMC has a host of online calculators to help you determine how much energy you use and how much money you can save by keeping energy efficiency top of mind.
Energy-Efficiency Tips
The Cooperative is always happy to help members save. We can talk to you about specific issues that might be affect your bill as well as providing some energy-efficiency tips to help you save.
Time of Day / Use
Did you know that when you use electricity is just as important as how much energy you use?
Throughout the day, energy use fluctuates based on consumer demand. For example energy use is typically higher in the morning when people are getting ready, as well as in the afternoon and evenings, when businesses are in high gear and families are , depending on the season. These times of higher energy use by the population, is referred to as "on peak."
The cost to South River EMC to supply power to its membership at these times is higher, because of members increased demand for electricity, as well as the greater need for generational demand. This means that by shifting energy use to times of lower use, known as "off peak hours," can save you money, by helping South River EMC avoid peak demand charges. Those savings are in turn passed on to you, the member.
Interested in learning about our time of day/use rates? Contact one of our Energy Service Advisors (Advise Guys) at 910-892-8071. Rates are listed on the what makes up your bill (residential and small general service) and the commercial rates (medium and large general service) page.
Financing For Energy Efficient Improvements
Electel Cooperative Federal Credit Union offers an energy efficient loan program. Loans can be used for making energy- efficiency upgrades, including solar panels. Loan amounts range from $5,000-$35,000 with repayment up to 120 months. Low interest rates (depending on credit). For more information visit Electel Cooperative Federal Credit Union for an energy-efficient loan.
General Energy Information |
Rebates Available |
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