We have many different rates available to our membership based on your needs. If you have any questions regarding a specific rate, please contact the Cooperative at 910-892-8071.
Current Rates (beginning April 1, 2024):
As costs are rising around us, it has become necessary for South River EMC to implement a change of rates.
There are several factors driving the change to include:
- Increases in all aspects of business, including materials.
- Growing need for more facilities at a higher cost.
- Tightening government regulations.
- Increased interest rates.
Rate change effective for May 2025 billing, click here.
The changes will be primarily in the Grid Access charge. The Grid Access charge is a monthly fee that helps cover the cost of maintaining our electric utility system so we can deliver power to you whenever you need it. This includes the cost of transformers, power lines, poles, substations, loans, insurance, buildings, trucks, preparing and mailing bills, etc. The cost to operate and maintain our system exists even if no electricity is used – we must keep our system updated and energy available whenever it’s needed.
Rates are carefully crafted to ensure we recover our costs and maintain the financial stability of the co-op.